Song lyrics in multiple languages
In some situations it is necessary to display the lyrics of a song in two (or more) different languages.
It is possible to do this in a practical way in the program, maintaining the independence of each slide, which makes configuration easier for the user.
In the lyrics editing window, access the 3 dots icon, Advanced Editor option.

Access the Translation option (icon:

Create a translation and fill the corresponding lyric slides with the translated text.

Check the result in the edit window and save the change.

That's it, that way you can easily add translations independently for each paragraph of the song's lyrics.
And then you can set in the program how the song lyrics will be displayed on each screen.
File menu, display settings.
There are several possibilities for use:
Display only the original slide on one screen and display only the translated slide on another screen.
Display the original and translated slide simultaneously on the same screen, with the text separated by a blank line.
Original a
Original b
Translated a
Translated b
Display the original and translated slide simultaneously on the same screen, with the text merged.
Original a
Translated a
Original b
Translated b
You can also define a different style/format for the text that is translated, adding a highlight between the different texts.