If you want to use the Holyrics app but do not have WiFi in your church, or if you do not want to use your own cell phone to get WiFi routing, you're in the right place!
You can make your Notebook a WiFi router, where everyone can connect to it.
No internet is required to make this setting and neither is internet required for the Holyrics application to communicate with the Holyrics program on the Notebook.
Let's learn now:
- Press the shortcut key WINDOWS + R
- In the window that will open, type "cmd" (without quotes) and press ENTER
- On the black screen, type the following command, Changind the words nomedarede
and senhadowifi
by the respective values that you wish and after press ENTER:
Command: netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=minharede key=minhasenha
If you want to copy the command and paste in this black window, you need to right-click on the window to paste the copied command, the CTRL + V shortcut will not work in Windows 7.
Attention! If you want to put space in the network name or in the password you will need to put quotation marks, example: ssid="minha rede" key="minha senha"
- After doing this, the messages will appear that the configuration was successful (hopefully).
- READY! The setup is finished, but you would have to do all this step-by-step again (changing only the command used) to enable the WiFi network every time you turn on the notebook. But you can make this easier.
Download file start-wifi.bat and run it.
Run the file start-wifi.bat whenever you connect or restart the notebook to enable WiFi.
Also download the file stop-wifi.bat and run it if you need to temporarily disable WiFi.
netsh wlan start hostednetwork
netsh wlan stop hostednetwork